Dear Clover,
Today you turned two months old and this month was definitely your most eventful month so far! I can say that right, even though you have just two months to your name? ;)
We started this month off with a bang and when you were just five weeks old I came down with mastitis. A really bad case of mastitis that left me a hot sweaty mess that could hardly get up off the couch except to feed you and then fall back down again. Seriously it was so bad and the constant sweat, I don't think I have ever sweated THAT much in my life! I had constant wet patches on my clothes and left the bedsheets wet each night (poor Daddy decided to sleep on the couch after awhile!) It must have had something to do with those 39.5 degree temperatures! It was so bad that I ended up having to take two different antibiotics as the first prescription wasn't doing anything! I was also thankful that cousin Larissa had given me her breast pump as that thing got quite a work out that week and I started to fill up our freezer with lots of stored milk! I even took it with us to your weekly Westmead appointment and sat in the HALLWAY pumping away under my nursing cover as it was the only power point I could find! Daddy had to stay home from work a couple of days to look after me and Mar Mar and Aunty Paige came to help as well (Grandma and Grandpa were traveling in the UK). One night Aunty Katty and Uncle Luke came and bought us food and Aunty Katty changed your nappy and rocked you to sleep just so I could sleep and poor Daddy could have a rest. Then, just as I was recovering, Daddy came down with a middle ear infection and his ear was so blocked and swollen you couldn't see down his ear canal at all! He also couldn't hear anything on that side and sometimes I thought he was just ignoring me until I realized I was talking on his 'bad' side. It got so bad that one night at 1am we packed you up and went to the Hospital where we were told he just needed panadol and neurofen for pain relief till the infection passed! This was just as my wisdom tooth was causing me so much pain. So Daddy had more days off work and then he ended up with an infected wisdom tooth too! And then to finish off the week we had the worst storm that had hit the coast in years. There were trees down everywhere and flooding and many suburbs were without power for a whole week! We had two trees fall down and block off both entrances to the main rd so everyone in our neighbourhood was trapped in! Daddy and Aunty Paige went out one night to see the fallen trees and by the time they turned around and headed home a giant tree had fallen and blocked the road! They had to leave the Forrester in someone else's driveway and run home in the rain. Daddy spent the next morning helping the neighbors chainsaw a path through Leetes Lane and also went out with the fire brigade helping in the flooded areas. Mar Mar and Pa came over shortly after with their generator so we could run our fridges and keep our food from going off (luckily we only lost power for just over 24 hours) It was an exhausting week and a bit to say the least!
And then we closed this month with your very first operation. At only 8 weeks old you had your tenotomy (Achilles heel surgery) at Westmead Children's Hospital and you were amazing! Seriously we were so very proud! It was a long day and a very emotional one for this Mumma (especially the lead up to it) and even though it was a small procedure, I was nervous about how you would go. Would you cry and be upset the whole time, would it hurt you after and "DRAMA!!" would this create some deep emotional scar in you? I was nervous as you would be awake through the procedure in a room with people you didn't know and they wanted you to have a bottle, which you had never tried before. It seems silly in hindsight but the bottle and milk thing stressed me out quite a bit as you had only been exclusively breastfed before then. Luckily I had all that milk that I pumped when I had mastitis stored in the freezer (Tender mercies from Jesus?!) So Aunty Katty came over with two brand new bottles and showed me how to sterilize them and heat the milk up and we tried you with one. At first you just played with it, rolling it around your mouth and smiling up at me like it was some kind of new game. But as soon as I squirted a little bit into your mouth and you realized what it was you went to town on that bottle and polished it off in seconds. It kinda showed me how much you must get when you're nursing and I'm proud of us both. Me that I can make that much (!) and you for being such a good little eater. You love mumma's milk!
The morning of your operation was a little stressful. We left in the dark with you all wide eyed and bundled up in your car seat (probably wondering what in the world your crazy parents were up to!) You were first up for surgery, which meant they wanted us there at 6:45am for an 8:30am surgery. They also wanted me to feed you at 5:00am and we live over an hr away from the hospital and had to travel through early morning Sydney peak hour to get there. Which if you do the math didn't really work time wise. Needless to say we were quite late and after a phone call to the hospital they were possibly going to bump us to second on the list, which Mumma was worried about as it would mean even longer between your feeds.
Luckily, when we got there we were quickly admitted and you were soon ready for surgery with no casts and numbing cream on your tiny heels. I had asked the day before if there were facilities to bath you after your casts come off as we love doing that each week and was told there were but when we got there found out there wasn't. So our lovely nurse (who's name was also Katie) found a tiny little round dish for us to bath you in. So we bathed you on the hospital bed and even tiny you were a little too big for the dish and not at all impressed by our efforts to give you a nice relaxing warm bath before you went into surgery!
Then Dr Tony came to us all dressed in his hospital scrubs and Daddy passed you to him. You were so beautifully calm and content like this kinda thing just happened every day and we watched as he carried you down the hall and off to theatre. You in one hand, your bottle in the other and your dummy hooked around his pinkie. It was such a weird experience and I must admit I teared up right there and then watching you being taken from me and you bravely taking it all in your stride. Luckily it was such a short surgery and Daddy and I barely had time to grab a hot drink and something to eat before it was over. Then when you came out you were wrapped up in one of those warmed hospital blankets and asleep. Like really REALLY asleep. That deep sleep I adore, where your little body just melts into mine because you are so relaxed! And I kiss you a thousand times over and hold you super close to me cause you don't try and squirm away and need to look at everything that is going on around you - my little inquisitive baby! Apparently sleep was all you wanted to do in theater and you didn't even touch the bottle of milk - after all that agonizing and pumping mummy did ;)!
You did so well that we didn't have to stay at the hospital for long and we went home and had a big family nap for hours. We gave you a couple of doses of baby panadol after but you seemed just fine and the procedure hasn't seemed to bother you at all. You even kick your legs on the ground and into your change table and don't even flinch or look like it hurts you!
We started Mother's Group this month and this was also the month you also started fighting day sleeps. You like to wake up every half an hour to forty minutes and it's so hard to settle you back down. So poor Mumma is not getting much house work done at all! We are working hard on teaching you to self soothe but I must admit sometimes I get a little frustrated. But then you wake up and are your happy smiley little self that all is soon forgiven. But please, this Mumma would love if you would sleep during the day soon!
As well as drama this month also had some truly lovely and wonderful moments. You are smiling more and more each day at anyone who will look your way and sometimes even to yourself as you lay on the ground kicking and 'talking' away (you crazy girl!) You are also 'talking' more and we love to have family chats where we all sit and you coo at us and we coo back. You think it's so funny to hear mummy and daddy talking like you and you give us a big cheesy grin and then coo back again. I'm pretty sure one day the three of us spent at least half an hour just cooing at each other! You're such a little character already and having you in our lives is just so much fun!
This month Daddy and I celebrated being together for ten whole years! I just think that is so crazy! So much has happened since we first got together back in high school and you, my dear, are the icing on our cake of things we have experienced together! To celebrate Daddy took 'his girls' out on a date and we both dressed up all cute (you put on a sweet headband and I wore heels) and we went to GPK for pizza and then we took you to your first movie. We saw Pitch Perfect 2 and you slept in my arms the whole time (after I paced the tunnel with you during the ads to get you to sleep!) It was so lovely snuggling in the theater with you in my arms, a cup of tea, popcorn and your handsome Daddy next to me and the movie was so funny. I hope when you grow up you think we are cool and not lame for taking you to see that movie, because we think it is acca-mazing!
You are such a beautiful little girl Clover and we are not the only ones who think so. Whenever we take you out anywhere people seriously stop us to tell us how pretty and beautiful you are. You have lovely little features and are so petite and sweet that you draw people in. You must enjoy the compliments too as you often thank the compliment-er with one of your big cheesy gummy grins. You are the sweetest little baby.
Gosh I love you!
Love Mummy
Jul 2, 2015
May 23, 2015
Letters to Clover - Month One
Dear Clover,
This month you turned ONE whole month old and it's been such a roller coaster of a month for us all! Roller coaster in the very sense of the word - all at once exciting, thrilling, breathtaking, slightly terrifying and somehow over so incredibly fast! But truly the most wonderful ride of my life and, as he says, the ONLY roller coaster your daddy will ever be happy and willing to be on!
We watched in awe as you came into the world - letting out your first sound before you were even completely born! (You are such a clever and animated little thing!) And although I feel bad that the first thing I ever did to you was nearly drop you (seriously being passed a slimy, floppy little baby between your legs after you have just spent many hours labouring and have just given birth is not for the faint of heart!) I fell hard for you from that very moment the midwife passed you to me and I laid you on my chest. We spent our first few moments of your little life just gazing at one another (you have been such an alert baby from day one!) and counting tiny fingers and toes. Then you nuzzled in, latched on all by yourself and had your very first feed. Our midwife commented then that you would be a good eater and she was right, you are a no-nonscence- about-it baby and you feed ferociously and quickly, mostly so you can get back to seeing whatever is happening around you ASAP!
Your Daddy is pretty besotted by you too and it's so sweet. One night shortly after you were born I came out into the lounge room to find him sitting on the couch, with tears in his eyes, looking at pictures of you on the laptop. As I snuggled down next to him, he looked up and said "I just love her so much, she's so beautiful!" and so we snuggled on down and got all teary together staring at pictures of your sweet face.
One of my other favourite 'Daddy quotes' from this season has to be when he told me "I knew we'd make cute kids, I just didn't realize I wouldn't be able to handle how cute she is!" Which just makes me smile. He loves you so much sweet girl and I can't wait to see the bond between you to grow as you get bigger! I also love the way that every time he passes you in your bassinet sleeping he lets out a "naaaaggghhh" sound and then makes motions as if he was eating you all up! It's so adorable and if I must admit, I think you are pretty damn delicious too!
And let's just talk about your newborn scent for awhile ok? Man that stuff is intoxicating! I am under the belief that they should bottle that scent! (although, I would probably send your Daddy broke buying every bottle of your perfect little scent!) To me, it was the most perfect and intoxicating little smell that has ever graced my nose and both Daddy and I spent many hours simply sitting and smelling your darling little head! So much so that I didn't want to wash you for days, as I was afraid of loosing that precious smell (even though you had a few clumps of birth remnants glued to your hair and stuck to your forehead!) The day your coming home outfit lost your newborn scent was a sad day for this Mumma and I remember walking out to your Daddy holding it up to my nose, almost crying and exclaiming "It doesn't smell like her anymore!" And why we are on the subject of your sweet little smells, is it weird to admit that I love your sweet little milky breath and often just sit and put my nose near your mouth just to smell it!? (Maybe it's not too weird a thing though, as Daddy admits he does the same too!)
This month you had your very first photo shoot and in true I-must-know-whats-going-on-at-all-times Clover fashion, you stayed awake for the whole (nearly) four hours the photographer was here! Even when you were beyond tired and not happy about it! You were just thirteen days old.You are definitely not a sleepy newborn, that's for sure! You are incredibly alert and inquisitive, focusing on our faces in your very first week and at just eight days old (on the way to church) Daddy noticed you staring and focusing out the car window! You are very advanced for your age and we think you are just so clever!
At the end of the month, you also went to your first dress up party and you looked so cute! The theme was 'Hippes vs Hipsters' and you and I went as hippies and Daddy went as a Hipster. I went all Sound of Music and made you a tiny little dress out of some vintage fabric I bought years ago at an op shop (I think it was originally a tablecloth or curtains or something!) It was mustard green and yellow and very retro. We also wore daisy flower crowns around our heads and oh man you looked so cute in your tiny version of mine that I'm only slightly sorry for the little indents it made it your head - woops!
Along with all it's 'firsts' and breath taking moments, this month also had it's fair share of tears and high emotions (Don't even get me started on 'Weepy Tuesday!') and at ten days old, we finally got our diagnosis about your feet. We were told you had structural talipes and you received your first ever full leg casts at our appointment, which we weren't at all prepared for. You of course handled it like a pro and didn't cry at all during the whole casting process (we were so proud!) Mummy, on the other hand, was an emotional mess and has spent many hours crying over your little legs and the treatment you will have to have! I miss your 'squishyness' and kissing your little thighs so! You are so brave and handle your little casts so well and although it is hard and emotional right now, I know this season will all to soon be behind us and you will be running around before we know it! Although if you want to hold off on the running around and growing up too fast thing I'd be all for that too!
Oh my Clovey girl, there are so many things I love and am learning about you! At one month old here are some of things I love and don't want to forget about you at this age:
- That one long hair you have on top of your head that sticks up straight and will not lay down flat!
- The fact that your little hairs are so soft and whispy that when we hold you close and breath in they fly up into and tickle our nose (Daddy admits he loves this too!)
- Your crazy hungry cry that doesn't stop when you are latched on my breast and feeding, but instead slowly winds down in a frantic 'warbly' fashion and makes me laugh every time.
- Your wide open mouthed cry when your tiny bottom lip trembles and you throw your head back like a tiny baby bird (is it bad that's twice I'm admitting I love seeing you cry!?)
- Your little aniseed breath (and the white remnants around your mouth) when you've had some Infants Friend
- Your gummy little smiles (which you so cleverly started doing at just two weeks old!)
- The way you love to be walked and rocked to sleep and somehow even at this tiny age know when a tired Mummy or Daddy tries to sit down! (Even if we think we have got you and you are asleep, your little eyes and mouth can pop back demanding that we start walking again!)
- The many times I have held you and sung Peter Paul and Mary's 'For Baby' Lullaby and choked up at the line "And I'll love you more than anybody else" leaving your little head wet with my tears ...
Because it's true baby girl besides Jesus and Daddy, I don't think anyone could love you more than I do! For I love you breathlessly and endlessly my little Clove. All the days of my life!
This month you turned ONE whole month old and it's been such a roller coaster of a month for us all! Roller coaster in the very sense of the word - all at once exciting, thrilling, breathtaking, slightly terrifying and somehow over so incredibly fast! But truly the most wonderful ride of my life and, as he says, the ONLY roller coaster your daddy will ever be happy and willing to be on!
We watched in awe as you came into the world - letting out your first sound before you were even completely born! (You are such a clever and animated little thing!) And although I feel bad that the first thing I ever did to you was nearly drop you (seriously being passed a slimy, floppy little baby between your legs after you have just spent many hours labouring and have just given birth is not for the faint of heart!) I fell hard for you from that very moment the midwife passed you to me and I laid you on my chest. We spent our first few moments of your little life just gazing at one another (you have been such an alert baby from day one!) and counting tiny fingers and toes. Then you nuzzled in, latched on all by yourself and had your very first feed. Our midwife commented then that you would be a good eater and she was right, you are a no-nonscence- about-it baby and you feed ferociously and quickly, mostly so you can get back to seeing whatever is happening around you ASAP!
Your Daddy is pretty besotted by you too and it's so sweet. One night shortly after you were born I came out into the lounge room to find him sitting on the couch, with tears in his eyes, looking at pictures of you on the laptop. As I snuggled down next to him, he looked up and said "I just love her so much, she's so beautiful!" and so we snuggled on down and got all teary together staring at pictures of your sweet face.
One of my other favourite 'Daddy quotes' from this season has to be when he told me "I knew we'd make cute kids, I just didn't realize I wouldn't be able to handle how cute she is!" Which just makes me smile. He loves you so much sweet girl and I can't wait to see the bond between you to grow as you get bigger! I also love the way that every time he passes you in your bassinet sleeping he lets out a "naaaaggghhh" sound and then makes motions as if he was eating you all up! It's so adorable and if I must admit, I think you are pretty damn delicious too!
And let's just talk about your newborn scent for awhile ok? Man that stuff is intoxicating! I am under the belief that they should bottle that scent! (although, I would probably send your Daddy broke buying every bottle of your perfect little scent!) To me, it was the most perfect and intoxicating little smell that has ever graced my nose and both Daddy and I spent many hours simply sitting and smelling your darling little head! So much so that I didn't want to wash you for days, as I was afraid of loosing that precious smell (even though you had a few clumps of birth remnants glued to your hair and stuck to your forehead!) The day your coming home outfit lost your newborn scent was a sad day for this Mumma and I remember walking out to your Daddy holding it up to my nose, almost crying and exclaiming "It doesn't smell like her anymore!" And why we are on the subject of your sweet little smells, is it weird to admit that I love your sweet little milky breath and often just sit and put my nose near your mouth just to smell it!? (Maybe it's not too weird a thing though, as Daddy admits he does the same too!)
This month you had your very first photo shoot and in true I-must-know-whats-going-on-at-all-times Clover fashion, you stayed awake for the whole (nearly) four hours the photographer was here! Even when you were beyond tired and not happy about it! You were just thirteen days old.You are definitely not a sleepy newborn, that's for sure! You are incredibly alert and inquisitive, focusing on our faces in your very first week and at just eight days old (on the way to church) Daddy noticed you staring and focusing out the car window! You are very advanced for your age and we think you are just so clever!
Oh my Clovey girl, there are so many things I love and am learning about you! At one month old here are some of things I love and don't want to forget about you at this age:
- That one long hair you have on top of your head that sticks up straight and will not lay down flat!
- The fact that your little hairs are so soft and whispy that when we hold you close and breath in they fly up into and tickle our nose (Daddy admits he loves this too!)
- Your crazy hungry cry that doesn't stop when you are latched on my breast and feeding, but instead slowly winds down in a frantic 'warbly' fashion and makes me laugh every time.
- Your wide open mouthed cry when your tiny bottom lip trembles and you throw your head back like a tiny baby bird (is it bad that's twice I'm admitting I love seeing you cry!?)
- Your little aniseed breath (and the white remnants around your mouth) when you've had some Infants Friend
- Your gummy little smiles (which you so cleverly started doing at just two weeks old!)
- The way you love to be walked and rocked to sleep and somehow even at this tiny age know when a tired Mummy or Daddy tries to sit down! (Even if we think we have got you and you are asleep, your little eyes and mouth can pop back demanding that we start walking again!)
- The many times I have held you and sung Peter Paul and Mary's 'For Baby' Lullaby and choked up at the line "And I'll love you more than anybody else" leaving your little head wet with my tears ...
Because it's true baby girl besides Jesus and Daddy, I don't think anyone could love you more than I do! For I love you breathlessly and endlessly my little Clove. All the days of my life!
Apr 19, 2015
Clover Grace - a story behind the name.
Clover Grace
A Story behind the name.
Because her uncommon name, a lot of people have asked us where we got Clover's name from. So here is the story for those interested...
When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my Aunt and Uncle gave me my first set of chapter books. They were a series called 'What Katy Did' given to me as the main character was my namesake. They are such lovely classic children's literature written by Susan M Coolidge in the late 1800's. I remember being so excited to read these books, but not yet up to reading such big chapter books on my own. So I remember my Dad reading them to me at night and they quickly became a childhood favorite. It follows the story of tomboy Katy Carr and her adventures and scrapes, as well as her brothers and sisters. Her closest sister is Clover Carr and she is such a little sweetheart, that I fell in love with the name from an early age and often imagined myself with a little Clover of my own one day (So I was very thankful that Morgan loved the name as much as me!!) I can't wait to bring out these books when she is older and snuggle up to read them to her as I did with my Dad, loving that both our names will be there in the story as we read along. Although what I'll do if we have another daughter I'm not sure hehe! There is also a Clover series which I can't wait to buy her when she is older too :)
Clover is an Old English name and as we looked into the name further, we loved it even more. Of course it has connotations of luck (lucky four leaf clovers, which I loved to search for as a little girl) and also of prosperity. In the olden days the saying 'to be in clover' meant you were in a season of prosperity and wealth. As when the clover was out it meant the fields were green, the farm animals were happily eating and everything was plentiful. We pray she is always prosperous in everything she does.
Morgan also liked how her name has the word 'love' in it and did you know that each leaf on a four leaf clover represents something special? The first is for faith, which we pray she will have in Jesus at an early age. The second is for Hope, which we pray that her hope will always be in Him. The third is for love, which we pray she would be a lover Jesus and people all her life. To always love and be loved. And the fourth is for luck, which is always nice to have a little of :)
The funny thing is, I have Irish heritage and she was just a few days shy of being born on St Patricks day too, so perhaps it was meant to be!
For her middle name, we decided to go with something more traditional to balance out her first name and we both always loved the elegance and meaning of Grace (God's Favour, goodness and generosity) so that was how she became our Clover Grace!
We just love our little Clovey girl!
A Story behind the name.
Because her uncommon name, a lot of people have asked us where we got Clover's name from. So here is the story for those interested...
When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my Aunt and Uncle gave me my first set of chapter books. They were a series called 'What Katy Did' given to me as the main character was my namesake. They are such lovely classic children's literature written by Susan M Coolidge in the late 1800's. I remember being so excited to read these books, but not yet up to reading such big chapter books on my own. So I remember my Dad reading them to me at night and they quickly became a childhood favorite. It follows the story of tomboy Katy Carr and her adventures and scrapes, as well as her brothers and sisters. Her closest sister is Clover Carr and she is such a little sweetheart, that I fell in love with the name from an early age and often imagined myself with a little Clover of my own one day (So I was very thankful that Morgan loved the name as much as me!!) I can't wait to bring out these books when she is older and snuggle up to read them to her as I did with my Dad, loving that both our names will be there in the story as we read along. Although what I'll do if we have another daughter I'm not sure hehe! There is also a Clover series which I can't wait to buy her when she is older too :)
Clover is an Old English name and as we looked into the name further, we loved it even more. Of course it has connotations of luck (lucky four leaf clovers, which I loved to search for as a little girl) and also of prosperity. In the olden days the saying 'to be in clover' meant you were in a season of prosperity and wealth. As when the clover was out it meant the fields were green, the farm animals were happily eating and everything was plentiful. We pray she is always prosperous in everything she does.
Morgan also liked how her name has the word 'love' in it and did you know that each leaf on a four leaf clover represents something special? The first is for faith, which we pray she will have in Jesus at an early age. The second is for Hope, which we pray that her hope will always be in Him. The third is for love, which we pray she would be a lover Jesus and people all her life. To always love and be loved. And the fourth is for luck, which is always nice to have a little of :)
The funny thing is, I have Irish heritage and she was just a few days shy of being born on St Patricks day too, so perhaps it was meant to be!
For her middle name, we decided to go with something more traditional to balance out her first name and we both always loved the elegance and meaning of Grace (God's Favour, goodness and generosity) so that was how she became our Clover Grace!
We just love our little Clovey girl!
Apr 4, 2015
A new addition ...
She's here!
Meet our sweet ...
Clover Grace Ayling
14th March 2015
3100g (6.8 pounds)
47cm long
47cm long
(image above taken at 3 days old)
We are absolutely smitten and have spent the last three weeks of this little ladies life with slow mornings and days. Lots of cuddles and kisses ALL over baby. Beautiful (and emotional) moments that have take our breath away. A few tears and sleepless nights (luckily, just a few as she really has been so good!) and moments of "I just don't know what you want!" but overall we are so beyond in love with our little lady and this new season of life! Jesus truly has blessed us beyond measure!!!
Mar 4, 2015
letters to baby ... (#4) the one in which I try to catch up
Hello my sweet darling baby GIRL!
I can't believe it has been so long since I have written a letter to you (insert mum guilt here) and it's definitely not for lack of thinking about you. For you are ALWAYS on my mind - every second of every minute I am dreaming about what you will look like (will have your daddies eyes?!) what your little personality will be like and every conversation no matter who I am with always ends up about baby stuff. It is excitement station here right now and Daddy and I can't wait to feel that crazy parental love that everyone talks about, as soon as we lay our eyes on your perfect little face!
Today you and I are 39 weeks and 3 days. And I can't believe in 5 days we will be officially 40 weeks! It seems crazy to me as I always thought that I would go into labour early and yet here we are, almost full term! But in one way that has been so nice and I am so thankful you have given me this time to rest and prepare for your arrival for I was starting to get stressed that nothing was ready! I finished up work only 2 and a bit weeks ago and have been in major nesting mode ever since. The house and everything is now feeling much more ready and organized for you. I have been through every drawer and cupboard reorganising and arranging things and Mar Mar came and helped me organise your cupboards, which are just the cutest! I love to open them up and just look at all the teeny beautiful things we have been blessed with and imagine you wearing them. Our hospital bags are finally packed and are sitting waiting, we have been driving around with your car seats installed and our house is suddenly filled with all these baby things and a sweet explosion of pink! (Your mumma's a pink girl at heart so I'm not complaining). Oh and we finally finished doing up your bassinet which is now set up in our room, so we now have somewhere for you to sleep! (for a while there we thought if you came early that you would be sleeping in your pram!) As Pa was making your bassinet stand and also getting your cot re painted and we had nothing here at home for you to sleep in - phew!)
I am also savoring up these last days/weeks feeling your kicks and rolls and stretches (oh my the stretches - this last week you've been getting that little foot of yours right up into my ribs and you like to give me a good 'push' if I bend over too much and get in your space!) Daddy on the other hand is so anxious for you to get here and keeps telling me how much he just wants to hold you! So he tries to 'hold' my belly as much as he can. It is the dearest thing. He has always always just wanted to be a daddy and I am so glad that you and I together can make his dream come true!
So much has happened since I last wrote to you back in September (!!) ...
You have the dearest little womb nickname which your daddy thought up one day. You are now known to almost everyone as 'Tiny Dancer' (or in Grandma's case 'The Dancer') This is because my belly is really quite small (we are all wondering how you are fitting in there) and you love to flutter and move and 'dance' around in there. I didn't even realize how much the nickname has stuck until your baby shower when nearly every card was written to Katie and 'Tiny Dancer' (or TD). I love it and hope we always remember that this was how everyone knew you before you were born.
One crazy thing that has happened since I last wrote you a letter was after our 18-20 week ultrasound when we went back to our midwife appointment and were told that you had possible 'talipes' or clubfoot. This was a crazy and emotional few weeks and we had to go back for an additional scan for them to have a better look at your feet. All the Dr's and ultrasound technicians have confirmed that they believe you have talipes of both feet but they will not know how bad it is until you are born and once you are born they can work out the best steps of action (massage manipulation or little casts). Although this is not the worst thing that could happen it hit daddy and I quite hard after everything was going so well and we both cried over your dear little feet so. We are believing however that our Jesus is bigger and more amazing than any Doctor's report and that you will be born whole and healthy with two perfectly straight feet in Jesus' name!
Also, around 34 weeks (?!) I was getting quite uncomfortable and at my midwife appointment was told you were presenting traverse breech (which means you were sitting sideways across my body and not turning downwards in preparation for birth like you should of being doing around that time) It was not a very pleasant sensation over the next couple of weeks, as your would stretch long ways and I felt like my body was being stretched in two! So you and I spent a good 3-4 weeks hanging out upside down on the couch after work each night, or I would hang out on all fours in 'cat position', we also did cartwheels in the pool and acupressure points on my little toe and saw our chiropractor who worked on straightening my hips so you could turn. And my wonderful Tiny Dancer you did it - a tad late, but you finally danced your way into perfect position and at my last midwife appointment (38 weeks) I was told you were sitting in the most perfect position for birth - incredibly low down, head first, facing the right way, engaged and ready to go. And I have felt that change too - the pressure of you sitting lower which after a long busy day makes me wadddle ever so slightly - something daddy joked he would never let me do (so I might play it up a bit for him ;)
Apart from that you have been on your very best behaviour and God has blessed me with the most easy and wonderful pregnancy. Apart from a teeny bit of acid reflux and slight siaticia (of which I already used to get from work) I have felt amazing and we have enjoyed walks, swimming and yoga and hanging out together. I have also been sleeping very well and am so thankful for Jesus that I have been blessed with such an amazing pregnancy.
We were also thrown the most amazing baby shower by Aunty Pegs, Aunty Katty and Aunty Kate. Every little detail was just divine and I have never seen so many beautiful gifts in one space. Seriously little Miss you were super spoilt and we suddenly felt much more prepared for your arrival after the shower. I hope to blog about it soon. It was just the best day and all a wonderful 'top secret' surprise to me - which was so fun! While the girls set up daddy took me out on a breakfast date where we kissed and talked and held hands a lot. Then he dropped me off to get my makeup done and I felt so fancy and special. But probably one of the best and sweetest moments of the whole day was when I arrived back home and daddy told me he had had 'a moment' where he was thinking about me and you and how much he loves us both and how excited he was of this season and becoming a little family and that he just teared up and had a good cry. I think that was the moment that your arrival really became real to your daddy and he was overcome with how amazing this season is! And this is one of the many reasons I love your daddy, because he doesn't feel the need to be manly all the time and as his wife this tender moment speaks volumes to me about how much he loves and cherishes us and how beautiful that is! My baby girl, you are seriously so blessed to get to call this wonderful man daddy and I can't wait to see your relationship develop over the coming years!
Since I last wrote to you, you have been busy growing and your flitters and flutters have turned to stronger punches and kicks to big rolls and stretches. We love sitting and watching your little acrobatics! We also giggle over your hiccups and your heart is now so strong that daddy can place his head on my tummy and hear it pumping away! This whole pregnancy thing is just so amazing, and I feel like we both walk around with this silly little smile on our face so happy with our growing little family and we know it is only going to get better once you arrive!
I love you so much my baby girl.
I can't believe I will be holding you in my arms so soon!
Love Mumma
Oct 19, 2014
Oct 8, 2014
the little things...
In exactly one week from today we have our 18-20 week ultrasound where we get to find out the sex of baby A. We are both so excited! I know some people like the surprise of not knowing and perhaps we will choose to go this way in the future, but this time round, I am so looking forward to finding out whether this little one will be made of sugar and spice or snips and snails and puppy dog tails. I also feel like knowing will help us bond more with baby as we dream of our son or daughter and what our new family of three will look like early next year. Also, I'm such a planner and I have so many things I want to buy and make that are pretty gender specific, so I am anxious to be able to get started. Oh and to get into the swing of nursery decorating too - Oh the fun!
But in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to share a few items I have been eying and will be purchasing if baby is a little girl or little boy ...
1. Shanna Murray 'I love you beyond measure' print for the nursery. I have wanted this decal FOREVER and now I have the perfect excuse!
2. Gold Rush baby Moccasins from Hubble and Duke
3. Pineapple headwrap from Airlie Co
4. A gold print for the nursery. Pictured: 'Hello Love' gold foil print on Etsy by AllThingsPrettyBlog
5. Toshi organic muslin wrap in floral print. I especially love the Aviva, Posie and Wild Rose prints.
For Baby Boy ...
1. Dribble bibs from Cotton On. Cute AND practical!
2. Salted Caramel Moccasins from Hubble and Duke
3. Sophie the Giraffe vintage teether. I know absolutely everyone has this teether but I just can't get over how sweet and vintage it looks! And actually I would buy this whether we have a boy or girl.
4. Customized children's geometric name print on Etsy by PaperlessPost for the nursery
5. Solly baby wrap in Natural and grey stripe. M and I have decided on the Solly Baby Wrap as our carrier of choice while baby is little (I'm thinking of an ergo for when baby is bigger and in toddler stage). We both love the grey and white stripe pattern and are waiting for it to come back into stock. I also love that it is gender neutral so both M and I will feel comfortable wearing it. M loves a bit of baby wearing so I just can't wait to see him wear our little one around :) This is another item we will be purchasing no matter what sex baby ends up being.
Oh I just love baby stuff!
Sep 12, 2014
letters to baby ... (#3) on sharing the news!
Hey my sweet little. How's everything in utero? Are you still having fun hanging out there, growing big and strong for daddy and me? You know you and I will be 15 weeks on Monday and I still have no bump and no pregnancy symptoms, except occasionally when I can't eat a big portion of food in one sitting. Like that burger last night that you were pretty unhappy about me eating (It was really yummy, homemade and mostly organic by the way!) Anyway I took at least 1/2 an hour to pick at it and daddy had to end up finishing it for the both of us :)
Please keep growing strong and healthy baby dear. Feel free to 'pop' that belly out anytime soon and know I am anxiously awaiting your tiny little kicks and flutters!
You know what else, sharing the news of your arrival with family and close friends has been one of the funnest parts of being pregnant so far. So I thought it would be fun to remember and document some of the ways we told people here. I think my favourite reactions have been your Aunty Pegs and Pa's. So here's just a few:
Grandpa and Duckie:
Your Daddy chose to catch Grandpa and Duckie off guard by just throwing your impending arrival into our conversation which went a little something like this... We have known for awhile that Grandpa and The Duck are planning to go to Europe sometime next year, their first trip to Europe ever and so Daddy was asking them if they were planning to go in March and what their plans were early next year and hey "what are you guys doing around March 7th?" (this was our original due date for you) And when they replied confusingly they weren't sure yet your daddy threw in "Well would you like to meet your first grandchild then"?! It took a little while for it to sink in and then there were hugs (and Grandpa tears) all round. It was awesome!
Aunty Peg:
We had just told Grandpa and The Duck about your arrival but Aunty Pegs was at work, so as soon as she got home daddy and I rushed downstairs to let her in on the goss. Daddy is forever showing Aunty Pegs funny you tube clips and silly pictures on his phone and laptop, so he bought up the picture of your first ultrasound on his laptop and placed it on her lap saying "Hey Paige check this out". The best part of her reaction was that once it clicked she was so happy she burst into tears, which in turn made Grandpa start to tear up again (he's a big softy that one). And then it was hugs all round. It was so lovely to have such an emotional and lovely reaction to the news of your arrival!
And do you know how excited these guys are about you? The very next night after we got home from work and I stepped out of the shower there they all were bearing gifts and the first ever cards written to you. Oh my it was sweetness for my mummy heart!
Pa and MarMar:
We waited till I think it was 8 or 9 weeks to tell family and friends (this nearly drove your Daddy crazy! He is THE WORST at waiting!) The reason is that week was Pa's birthday and I wanted to make this birthday extra special for him (especially as you are due right in time for MarMar and Aunty Stewy's birthdays). So we found a 'Happy birthday Pop' card and put a picture of your ultrasound in it and you wrote a very cute and sweet little note to Pa explaining your upcoming arrival. At the time he was sitting on the end of their chaise kinda cross legged and when he realized what the card was started to jump up and down on his knees and wave the card at MarMar to check out. His reaction and excitement was like a little kid at Christmas time - it was so funny to see and watch him and MarMar get so excited and happy about you!
Great Gma + Great Gma:
We went to GGpa and GGma's place for dinner one night. The boys (GGpa and Pa) were watching the rugby and so GGpa advised us that we had ten minutes to get ourselves sorted with drinks and nibblies and to catch up before the game started (this family is rugby obsessed you will find out!) So I announced I had something to show them in those ten minutes and pulled our your ultrasound picture. GGpa's reaction was SO cute when I announced that he was going to be a great grandpa (As I am the 7th out of 12 grandchildren and the very first to share this news and he has eagerly been waiting for this day to come - he even has a wedding speech about it) and his reaction was awesome he was so excited and started waving the ultrasound picture around the room to GGma and asking her to come over (she had wandered off into the kitchen) to see the picture and hear the details. And then he even popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate the occasion. And GGma I hear has been busy knitting little things for you :) Later Great Aunty Susie and Great Aunty Libby came over too and it was fun to watch him and Pa excitedly tell them the news.
Great Oma + Great Opa:
We visited Daddy's Oma and Opa at Opa's nursing home one day to tell them the news. Daddy made a card for them that had a secret flap at the back which had your ultrasound in it. Then he wrote the sweetest little poem that he wrote inside the card which went like this:
"Growing quickly in a home of love
Is a gift from God above
We truly thank him who lives in Heaven
For what may happen on next March seven
Though this gift is of great joy
We know not yet if girl or boy
Please celebrate with us, our live in tenant
Yes that's right ...
(and then they turned to page to your photo) Katie's pregnant!
It was funny cause Oma let out one of her very loud excited Oma-ish squeal and then started to flash the card around the nursing home to all who would listen (even after we said we were just telling friends and family at this point and to keep quiet - oops!) And Opa looked pretty pleased too understanding the news and smiling away (he has been asking us ever since we got married why we don't yet have a little girl or a little boy, and well now we have news for him!)
The Lollys:
We took our best friends Aunty Katty and Uncle Luke out for dinner to tell them the news and once again just threw it into the conversation. Aunty Katty and I had been planning to go to the One Fine Baby Fair in Sydney and I had originally told her one of the reasons I wanted her to come with me is that she actually has babies and I would feel silly going alone. But I was able to let her know that I was extra excited to go to the Fair now because I would be looking for inspiration for little baby A. It took awhile for the news to sink in and then it was hugs all round and lots of excitement as we would be joining the mummy and daddys club just like them :)
The Gwatneys:
Aunty Annie had just texted me to say that she had a dream that I was pregnant. I just happened to have been in Sydney that day for work and had dropped into Daddy's office to say hello. So we jumped on the phone and my first words to her were "Has anyone told you, you might have the gift of prophesy" it was pretty funny that she had guessed exactly right!
Uncle Stewy and Aunty Dom:
Well Pa was so excited and stoked with his birthday card that we let him share this one. We were all on the boat to celebrate Pa's birthday and so he got to rush over and ask if Uncle Stewy and Aunty Dom had seen his birthday card yet and would they like to read what was in it. They were pretty stoked! (they have been wanting us to have a baby for FOREVER!) They are currently spending two months backpacking around Europe and so you have been sending them little weekly updates to keep them up on all the goss - its very sweet of you ;)
So there you go baby dear, just a few fun ways we have been able to share our exciting news with everyone. Everyone is so excited and happy to hear about you and we all cannot wait to meet you next year - c'mon the next 6 months, please fly by :)
Oh and also you have seen the moving announcement picture I made but here's the version your Daddy put on his instagram and facebook page (complete with my sticking it out belly lol):
Hey my sweet little. How's everything in utero? Are you still having fun hanging out there, growing big and strong for daddy and me? You know you and I will be 15 weeks on Monday and I still have no bump and no pregnancy symptoms, except occasionally when I can't eat a big portion of food in one sitting. Like that burger last night that you were pretty unhappy about me eating (It was really yummy, homemade and mostly organic by the way!) Anyway I took at least 1/2 an hour to pick at it and daddy had to end up finishing it for the both of us :)
Please keep growing strong and healthy baby dear. Feel free to 'pop' that belly out anytime soon and know I am anxiously awaiting your tiny little kicks and flutters!
You know what else, sharing the news of your arrival with family and close friends has been one of the funnest parts of being pregnant so far. So I thought it would be fun to remember and document some of the ways we told people here. I think my favourite reactions have been your Aunty Pegs and Pa's. So here's just a few:
Grandpa and Duckie:
Your Daddy chose to catch Grandpa and Duckie off guard by just throwing your impending arrival into our conversation which went a little something like this... We have known for awhile that Grandpa and The Duck are planning to go to Europe sometime next year, their first trip to Europe ever and so Daddy was asking them if they were planning to go in March and what their plans were early next year and hey "what are you guys doing around March 7th?" (this was our original due date for you) And when they replied confusingly they weren't sure yet your daddy threw in "Well would you like to meet your first grandchild then"?! It took a little while for it to sink in and then there were hugs (and Grandpa tears) all round. It was awesome!
Aunty Peg:
We had just told Grandpa and The Duck about your arrival but Aunty Pegs was at work, so as soon as she got home daddy and I rushed downstairs to let her in on the goss. Daddy is forever showing Aunty Pegs funny you tube clips and silly pictures on his phone and laptop, so he bought up the picture of your first ultrasound on his laptop and placed it on her lap saying "Hey Paige check this out". The best part of her reaction was that once it clicked she was so happy she burst into tears, which in turn made Grandpa start to tear up again (he's a big softy that one). And then it was hugs all round. It was so lovely to have such an emotional and lovely reaction to the news of your arrival!
And do you know how excited these guys are about you? The very next night after we got home from work and I stepped out of the shower there they all were bearing gifts and the first ever cards written to you. Oh my it was sweetness for my mummy heart!
Pa and MarMar:
We waited till I think it was 8 or 9 weeks to tell family and friends (this nearly drove your Daddy crazy! He is THE WORST at waiting!) The reason is that week was Pa's birthday and I wanted to make this birthday extra special for him (especially as you are due right in time for MarMar and Aunty Stewy's birthdays). So we found a 'Happy birthday Pop' card and put a picture of your ultrasound in it and you wrote a very cute and sweet little note to Pa explaining your upcoming arrival. At the time he was sitting on the end of their chaise kinda cross legged and when he realized what the card was started to jump up and down on his knees and wave the card at MarMar to check out. His reaction and excitement was like a little kid at Christmas time - it was so funny to see and watch him and MarMar get so excited and happy about you!
Great Gma + Great Gma:
We went to GGpa and GGma's place for dinner one night. The boys (GGpa and Pa) were watching the rugby and so GGpa advised us that we had ten minutes to get ourselves sorted with drinks and nibblies and to catch up before the game started (this family is rugby obsessed you will find out!) So I announced I had something to show them in those ten minutes and pulled our your ultrasound picture. GGpa's reaction was SO cute when I announced that he was going to be a great grandpa (As I am the 7th out of 12 grandchildren and the very first to share this news and he has eagerly been waiting for this day to come - he even has a wedding speech about it) and his reaction was awesome he was so excited and started waving the ultrasound picture around the room to GGma and asking her to come over (she had wandered off into the kitchen) to see the picture and hear the details. And then he even popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate the occasion. And GGma I hear has been busy knitting little things for you :) Later Great Aunty Susie and Great Aunty Libby came over too and it was fun to watch him and Pa excitedly tell them the news.
Great Oma + Great Opa:
We visited Daddy's Oma and Opa at Opa's nursing home one day to tell them the news. Daddy made a card for them that had a secret flap at the back which had your ultrasound in it. Then he wrote the sweetest little poem that he wrote inside the card which went like this:
"Growing quickly in a home of love
Is a gift from God above
We truly thank him who lives in Heaven
For what may happen on next March seven
Though this gift is of great joy
We know not yet if girl or boy
Please celebrate with us, our live in tenant
Yes that's right ...
(and then they turned to page to your photo) Katie's pregnant!
It was funny cause Oma let out one of her very loud excited Oma-ish squeal and then started to flash the card around the nursing home to all who would listen (even after we said we were just telling friends and family at this point and to keep quiet - oops!) And Opa looked pretty pleased too understanding the news and smiling away (he has been asking us ever since we got married why we don't yet have a little girl or a little boy, and well now we have news for him!)
The Lollys:
We took our best friends Aunty Katty and Uncle Luke out for dinner to tell them the news and once again just threw it into the conversation. Aunty Katty and I had been planning to go to the One Fine Baby Fair in Sydney and I had originally told her one of the reasons I wanted her to come with me is that she actually has babies and I would feel silly going alone. But I was able to let her know that I was extra excited to go to the Fair now because I would be looking for inspiration for little baby A. It took awhile for the news to sink in and then it was hugs all round and lots of excitement as we would be joining the mummy and daddys club just like them :)
The Gwatneys:
Aunty Annie had just texted me to say that she had a dream that I was pregnant. I just happened to have been in Sydney that day for work and had dropped into Daddy's office to say hello. So we jumped on the phone and my first words to her were "Has anyone told you, you might have the gift of prophesy" it was pretty funny that she had guessed exactly right!
Uncle Stewy and Aunty Dom:
Well Pa was so excited and stoked with his birthday card that we let him share this one. We were all on the boat to celebrate Pa's birthday and so he got to rush over and ask if Uncle Stewy and Aunty Dom had seen his birthday card yet and would they like to read what was in it. They were pretty stoked! (they have been wanting us to have a baby for FOREVER!) They are currently spending two months backpacking around Europe and so you have been sending them little weekly updates to keep them up on all the goss - its very sweet of you ;)
So there you go baby dear, just a few fun ways we have been able to share our exciting news with everyone. Everyone is so excited and happy to hear about you and we all cannot wait to meet you next year - c'mon the next 6 months, please fly by :)
Oh and also you have seen the moving announcement picture I made but here's the version your Daddy put on his instagram and facebook page (complete with my sticking it out belly lol):

Sep 3, 2014
letters to baby ... (#2)
hello my sweet little in there!
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last wrote you, but I promise you are never far from my (or your daddy's) thoughts and conversations! (or Grandpa, Duckie, Aunty Pegs, Uncle Stu's, Pa or MarMar's!)
I've just been feeling like I'm in limbo land at the moment and all round really! It's new catalog time at work and I am waiting on SO much stock to arrive I feel like I can't finish any room setting yet until it all comes in, and it's looking rather mismatched and sad in the shop (which is hard for your perfectionist mumma to deal with!) Plus my motivation and energy are a little lacking these days! It's also been so cold and rainy lately and both Daddy and I are simply over winter and keep mentioning how much we are ready for summer time to arrive. For with it will come warm weather, beach days, beautiful baby bumps and kicks, Christmas and New Years and us so much closer to meeting YOU!
And then there's you... You've still been on your best behaviour each and everyday and so with no pregnancy symptons (except that keen sense of smell!) you and I have been having lots of conversations that go a bit like this (while I hold my tummy) "Are you ok in there baby sweet?" "are you hungry/happy/moving around" "is there anything I am do for you" "do you like it when I dance crazy like this?" but you just seem to be ignoring me already ;) I am so ready to start showing and feeling you move around in there. Both because I am so excited for this season we are in and also cause I want to have that reassurance that you are ok and thriving in there. So today was so good for my mumma heart, although it started off quite crazy when I entered work this morning! You see I walked in to the warehouse to find our new warehouse guy calling out for help and lying unable to move on the concrete floor in a mangled pile with a deep graze on his head from his temple to his cheek! I just dropped all my bags and was in so much shock making sure he didnt move and running to get our manager and the First Aid staff while other staff ran to call an ambulance. It was a crazy morning!! But Joel seems to be doing ok and will heal in time. Constant prayers he will have no ongoing symptoms as he is the sweetest guy and a really great work colleague! But after that rough start, today ended so sweetly, as we had our 12 week scan and Daddy and I got to see your beautiful little profile for the very first time. It's crazy that in just a few short weeks you have gone from a little blob with a crazy heartbeat to a little human with an even crazier heartbeat and arms and legs and the worlds most perfect little profile we have ever seen!
So here you are at 12 weeks in utero:
Gosh I love you so much already my little and I can't stop staring at the pictures of your beautiful little self (or flinging them around cyberspace, even all the way to Greece where Uncle Stu and Aunty Dom currently are)!!!
Now lets bring on the baby bump, and flutters and kicks and our 19 week scan so we know whether you are made of sugar and spice or puppy dog tails, cause this mumma is itching to start planning and decorating your nursery and to start sewing sweet little baby things again (for it's been too long!)
All my love
Your Mumma
hello my sweet little in there!
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last wrote you, but I promise you are never far from my (or your daddy's) thoughts and conversations! (or Grandpa, Duckie, Aunty Pegs, Uncle Stu's, Pa or MarMar's!)
I've just been feeling like I'm in limbo land at the moment and all round really! It's new catalog time at work and I am waiting on SO much stock to arrive I feel like I can't finish any room setting yet until it all comes in, and it's looking rather mismatched and sad in the shop (which is hard for your perfectionist mumma to deal with!) Plus my motivation and energy are a little lacking these days! It's also been so cold and rainy lately and both Daddy and I are simply over winter and keep mentioning how much we are ready for summer time to arrive. For with it will come warm weather, beach days, beautiful baby bumps and kicks, Christmas and New Years and us so much closer to meeting YOU!
And then there's you... You've still been on your best behaviour each and everyday and so with no pregnancy symptons (except that keen sense of smell!) you and I have been having lots of conversations that go a bit like this (while I hold my tummy) "Are you ok in there baby sweet?" "are you hungry/happy/moving around" "is there anything I am do for you" "do you like it when I dance crazy like this?" but you just seem to be ignoring me already ;) I am so ready to start showing and feeling you move around in there. Both because I am so excited for this season we are in and also cause I want to have that reassurance that you are ok and thriving in there. So today was so good for my mumma heart, although it started off quite crazy when I entered work this morning! You see I walked in to the warehouse to find our new warehouse guy calling out for help and lying unable to move on the concrete floor in a mangled pile with a deep graze on his head from his temple to his cheek! I just dropped all my bags and was in so much shock making sure he didnt move and running to get our manager and the First Aid staff while other staff ran to call an ambulance. It was a crazy morning!! But Joel seems to be doing ok and will heal in time. Constant prayers he will have no ongoing symptoms as he is the sweetest guy and a really great work colleague! But after that rough start, today ended so sweetly, as we had our 12 week scan and Daddy and I got to see your beautiful little profile for the very first time. It's crazy that in just a few short weeks you have gone from a little blob with a crazy heartbeat to a little human with an even crazier heartbeat and arms and legs and the worlds most perfect little profile we have ever seen!
So here you are at 12 weeks in utero:
Gosh I love you so much already my little and I can't stop staring at the pictures of your beautiful little self (or flinging them around cyberspace, even all the way to Greece where Uncle Stu and Aunty Dom currently are)!!!
Now lets bring on the baby bump, and flutters and kicks and our 19 week scan so we know whether you are made of sugar and spice or puppy dog tails, cause this mumma is itching to start planning and decorating your nursery and to start sewing sweet little baby things again (for it's been too long!)
All my love
Your Mumma
Sep 1, 2014
letters to baby ... (#1)
It's true, I have been blogging quite a bit lately (secret little letters to our baby dear) and now that the news is 'live' I thought I would record them on here too! So here we go... my first ever letter to our little one...
Dear Baby,
This week your daddy and I found out about you. Besides
being shocked at how quickly you have come into our lives (we have only been trying
for 2 months!), we are so excited to welcome you to our little family!
I wanted to think of a fun and creative way to tell your
daddy I was pregnant. On Monday, I had a work meeting in Sydney which finished
early so on my way home I stopped at the shops and bought my first ever pack of
pregnancy tests and an adorable onesie that says ‘From little things big things
grow’. As soon as I got home I gave your dad a quick kiss hello and fled to the
bathroom to pee on that stick that would change our little world forever. The
test said I should know within 3-10 mins, but I got so nervous that I left it
hidden in the bathroom (in case your daddy came in) for around 15 mins before I
was brave enough to check it. Those little tests work so quickly though and I
am pretty sure I stared to see that second line already appearing as I hid it
away! If I’m honest, I think I already knew even before I took the test that
you were on your way to us, our sweet baby dear. You see, Aunt Flo was a week
late and I hadn’t been feeling 100% myself all that week so I kinda had an
inkling that something was up (your mumma may not be punctual to many things,
but her Aunt Flo is something you can set your watch too!). Your daddy on the
other hand was pretty convinced I was pregnant and kept making hopeful and
wishful comments all week – it was really sweet. He wanted that test to be
positive more than anything!
When I came back and saw those two sweet lines I couldn’t
wipe the smile off my face – nor the shock, I’m sure. I just couldn’t believe
it! I took another test straight away and sure enough, that one had two pink
lines, even more definite than the first!
One thing you will learn about your daddy is that he is
sometimes not the most observant person and is not very suspicious either. So I
was able to run around in and out of the bathroom, slamming doors and wrapping
his ‘gift’ and he didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Did you know that once I even
wrapped one of his Christmas presents on the lounge room floor while he was
sitting behind me on the couch and he didn’t even know!!
The crafter in me attached two brown paper tags (with twine
of course) to those little tests. One read “Daddy, I’m on my way” and the
second which read, “Mummy just had to make sure” I placed them in the bottom of
a gift box for your dad with the onesie on top. Then I went and sat down on the
couch to give him your gift. He thought the onesie was really sweet, but I
don’t think he got the message written on it at first and at one point I didn’t
even think he was going to look in the bottom of the box for the rest of his
gift but with a little nudging he did and you honestly could not wipe that
smile off his face! And do you want to know baby dear, the first thing your
daddy did when he found out about you, besides asking me “Really!!??” and
tearing up!? It was to put his hands on
my tummy and to pray over you/me. It made me cry all over again and really was
the sweetest thing in the world. He loves you so much already. In fact his new
favourite thing to say is “I love you... guys” as he holds me/us close or “I missed
you… both” as I walk in the door from work. It is just the sweetest!
The next morning I think I was still in shock/disbelief so I
took the last test in the pack (those things are addictive and fun to take)! Sure enough I
added it to the pile of positive tests. So we made a Dr’s appointment...
We went to the Doctor’s on Friday morning to confirm
everything. From my dates, the Dr told us we are around 5 and a half weeks
pregnant, which means you are due around 7th March. But he has sent us to our first ultrasound on
the 21st where they will measure you and work out a more accurate date for your
arrival. We can’t believe we get to see you in there so soon!
Since we found out about you, we have been scheming up fun
ways to tell your grandparents and Aunty and Uncle. We can’t wait to see their
faces when we tell them the news and I know that you are already so loved by
each of them already. It makes me teary just thinking about it, then again it
could be all these crazy pregnancy hormones too!
So far pregnancy and I have been getting along very well. I
have had very few symptoms that you are growing away in there; except for a
very short lived, queasy 30 secs in the bathroom one morning and feeling rather
bloated and crampy all week. The Dr has assured me that the bloating and
cramping is perfectly normal as my body is currently and very quickly expanding
and making room for you in there. Oh and your once sleep-through-the-night –mum
is already getting up in the middle of the night to pee! And your poor dad – I
may have already once (jokingly I promise) used the ‘But I’m pregnant’ excuse
to avoid getting off the couch and getting something!
You and I have also started a fitness regime and I think you
love your green smoothies already as I always feel so great in the morning
after I’ve had one. We’ve also started prenatal vitamins and yoga. We’ve gotta
get fit and in good health for your D-Day you see!
Your daddy and I can’t believe the crazy journey we are
about to go on and keep saying to each other how blessed we are to be able to
have you in our lives. We love you so much already little one and can’t wait to
meet you next year!
All my love your Mumma
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