Jan 22, 2014

roll out those lazy hazy crazy days of summer

One of our goals this summer is to enjoy all that this season has to offer - eating that fresh cold summer fruit, jumping in the pool, running around barefoot, sipping cool drinks with fancy straws and spending some lazy hazy days at the beach. Because sometimes, we just get so busy with life and sometimes, well sometimes we just forget! We are so very lucky to live close to some of the very best beaches here on the Coast and I really feel like we should take advantage of that more often. Saturday was just one of those perfect lazy hazy blissful days of summer. Cue this song and sweet memories of my grandpa playing the Nat King Cole version many times through my childhood :) It started off with a slight sleep in (mmmm) and brunch at a seaside cafe with Morgan's sister Paige (all I can say is chilli jam -wow!) and then lots of girl time shop browsing (we didn't buy anything) of some really cute and creative stores at our seaside town of Terrigal. Then home to float around in the pool and enjoy a fresh lunch outside with my in laws. That afternoon we decided to head down to Towoon Bay with snacks in hand to spend a lazy afternoon swimming eating and spending time with friends. It was perfect. Paige and I made Katie's apple, ginger and cranberry cocktail to take down with us and I also made a prawn salsa. Our friends Luke and Katty bought some super yummy imported cheese. It was simply blissful. What are some of your most favourite summer-to-dos?

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