May 23, 2008

when presents are loved

Today this made my day -

an email from a sweet little someone that read:

"I love my new shoes - Jimmy Choo eat your heart out!"

Love KeKexo
and these special snapshots. These are the shoes I made here (with matching doll) They are a little bit big at the moment but this way they will be able to be worn for much longer :)
Doesn't it just make your day when something you make is loved by someone so much!

and I guess I'll be the one to blame if she ever gets obsessed with shoes :P


  1. These shoes are so gorgeous. I made some similar for my little boy and a little girl we know from a pattern i found online. so easy, so soft, and so damn cute!!!

  2. Thanks Peta.
    How fun are little shoes and clothes to sew?
    I thought these were a great idea for using up small scraps and cheap idea for something they will grow out of so soon :)
    the ones you made are very cute too! Does your son fit into his yet?

  3. What did you use for the soles of the shoes? I've got a pair of them all cut out and ready to sew but I'm not sure what to use for the sole... (they've been sitting around for a few weeks now!). Yours look so cute!
