Aug 18, 2008

a bit of fun..because laughing at yourself is healthy !

So in my last post i posted up a picture of my Grandma in the 1960's...
well here I am circa 1966:and super nerdy circa 1960...and in 1970... Hi mum!! (this looks just like a photo we have of her!!)
and in 1974...and in 1990... (super glad I was in nappies still :P)
and 1994...(it reminds me of Carol from Friends season 1!)
and a real oldie, circa 1950. that SO does not even look like me!
haha! seriously check this site out. such a waste of time, and so much fun!
oh and if you 'year book' yourself let me know, ok :)


  1. Those are hilarious! I love the first one, but the last is just FUNNY! Thought I'd let you know I posted what makes me happy.

  2. ahahahaha this is a cracker!!

  3. hopped over from Leslie's blog...this post is such a I am going to have to go give it a try myself! so my name is Chelle, and how nice to meet you KT...

  4. thanks so much for the comment back...

    and oh I did infact play around with the year book...what a scream!!! couldn't get my pictures to look as realitic as yours, head wasn't quite facing the right direction.
