May 4, 2009

love this.

phew its been busy over here.. lots of assessments, new modules and general school work (& many a late night/early morning) is keeping me quite busy! So sorry for my lack of comments lately.. I promise I have been tuning in to each of your blogs though!

Just about to head off to bed, but wanted to share these cute invites I found on Flickr while browsing for invitation ideas for my 21st. The other side reads "Guess Whooo". Cute huh?

Also... Many happy congratulations to this sweet family and their latest edition - a perfectly gorgeous little baby boy. He really is beautiful Chelle!

goodnight all


  1. KATIE!
    Those are darling! OH SO quickly life goes by.
    LOVES to you sweetie!

  2. Those are really cute invites. We did a "guess who" type thing on my sisters 21st invites. They had a picture of her at her 2nd birthday on the front and said "which of your favourite party girls is turning 21?" then inside it said Hayley and all the details. They were pretty cool.

  3. Oooh those invites are gorgeous!!

  4. Katie! Miss miss miss you!
    My fault - not yours. How are you?
    Darling little invites. I'll have to remember them for a future "guess who" birthday. :)
    Love you dearly!
